winning NGO'S working for the betterment of women education


The winning NGOs of this year’s award are Jan Chetna Manch (Health and Well-Being), Jharkhand, for the outstanding  work done  to empower and improve the lives of the weakest and poorest in the villages of Bokaro district, with a particular aim of improving the overall health and well being of poor rural women, Foundation to Educate Girls Globally (Education), Rajasthan,( an organization that has significantly improved  girls’ enrolment, retention, and academic performance in Government schools, by leveraging existing community and Government resources in the state , Prajwala (Economic Security & Livelihoods), Andhra Pradesh, an NGO that has emerged as an anti-trafficking organization, that rescues women and children from prostitution, enabling their psychological recovery, and rehabilitating and reintegrating trafficked victims back into the society,  The Hunger Project (Governance),New Delhi, an organization committed towards gender equality and women’s empowerment through political participation and STEPS Women Development Organisation (Socio-Cultural Rights) Pudukottai, Tamil Nadu, a women’s organization that works on issues to do with violence and women’s rights, with a sharpened and special focus on the rights of Muslim Women

marraige before education

please click on following links for watching some of the NGO's working for the betterment of women education...

compulsory education to children below 14 years of age

compulsory education to children below 14 years of age

women education in india

Women Education in India

In developing country like India women education has become a matter of great concern. when women like Kalpana Chawla(astronaut) , Sunita Williams(astronaut), Pratibha Devi Singh Patil(former president of India),I.P.S kiran bedi have proved their sole exist in their respective fields then also a large part of India is deprived off compulsory and free education to females.
still people have orthodox thinking in many parts of the country.
today 60% of people are below poverty line who even don't have permanent work because either they are illiterate or does not have any skill to do any sort of work.

india is developing but to make india developed it is necessary that each individual whether girl or boy must get primary education.
this time political parties are fighting for 2014 elections so they must also have some point of women education in their agenda...

NGO'S working for the betterment of women:
1. weave-women